Hello... I'm Kelechi Ngaka a computer scientist who makes things (code/food/designs), and welcome to my awesome blog powered by Blogger

How to update Facebook status via anything (Revamped)


How to update Facebook Status via anything (Revamped) is a shorter limited technique/trick I use when I'm online. Feel free to read a more detailed approach without limits @ how-to-create-custom-facebook-status.

To update your Facebook status via anything using my revamped approach

Things you should note
  • You must have a Facebook account
  • Follow our 5 easy steps

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How to update twitter status via anything

In one of our chitchats "is it possible to post a tweet via *****". Gingered by the calling, I started imploring my Facebook antiques that never worked, URL analysis e.t.c. and all failed. I goggled deeper, found different solutions and derived a custom solution in .NET using VB.

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Android Programming

Why Android ?
Did a research on Global Positioning System (GPS) where I read lots of internet resources relating to my topic. At the end was able to deduce the history of G.P.S, how it works, mathematical formula and applications. This opened channels for me to attempt developing G.P.S applications, but the question was "on which platform (WindowsMobile | Android | iOS | BlackBerry | Symbian)?" yet again with internet resources, concluded from the various sites i visited that Android
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