Hello... I'm Kelechi Ngaka a computer scientist who makes things (code/food/designs), and welcome to my awesome blog powered by Blogger

Quick guide to PHP


After working with PHP for a while, I feel *wait for it* honored to post a thing or two about PHP.
Web Development doesn’t basically mean only designing a couple of webpages that just link themselves together, it’s more than that.

Present web projects/ applications don’t just show webpages, they perform operations within them. E.g getting your geographical location, Storing login information etc. 

PHP is one scripting languages that is dynamic and easy to use. more on PHP

Quick guide to PHP

1. Know HTML
This is the first thing you need to know. Learn how to create and design simple html pages from scratch. Understand the basic tags used in html, where and when to use them. Code and Run your HTML on your browser.  You can use notepad as your html editor or get other editors like “Dreamwaver” or  ”NuSphere”.

2. Set up your Server
PHP can’t run on your browser because most browsers don’t have PHP processors. To deploy your PHP you need a PHP server that would translate and execute your PHP.  Popular servers include WAMP, XAMPP, NuSphere e.t.c. Setting up a server might be challenging, so get someone who knows it to help configure it. 

3. Get PHP and SQL Resources 
Read PHP books for detailed description of everything you need to know, how it works and what more you can do with it. Get familiar with its syntax, and it’s similarity with HTML. In addition to that you need SQL too, for writing SQL statements to perform operations on the database. For a faster and less detailed approach use “Presentation Slides” instead.

4.  Practice! Practice!! Practice!!!
With all the previous steps in check, practice what you’ve read. Implement, test and see how It works. Also get prepared to debug some crazy errors. These errors are very frustrating and I can’t explain, until you experience it.

5. Develop a Web Application with PHP
Start a project, develop it with PHP, make sure it meets 70% of your stated requirements. This might just be beginning of a surefire app that would be useful and make $$$