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Forecasting Model In Java

From the word forecast, a forecasting model is a model that uses present values to forecast for the future values/ expectations.

In csc311, students were taught the different types of forecasting techniques e.g Exponential Smoothing, Moving Averages, Linear, Logarithmnic, Addictive and Multiplicative methods. These techniques are used in business operations. In this course every student is expected to develop any model from the various models taught in class. I developed a forecasting model for my friend Dipo, who was not in school for obvious reasons.

To do this, you need to understand each technique and how to sovlve manually before coding. The forcasting model I developed for him had 2 techniques.

  • Exponential Smoothing
  • Moving Averages

After writing the codes and designing simple user interfaces, it was tested by Dipo. Other classmates that were interested in the model consulted me and together we did it. Here i handled the coding while they handled their interface design.