Hello... I'm Kelechi Ngaka a computer scientist who makes things (code/food/designs), and welcome to my awesome blog powered by Blogger

The bigger, the Better

You must have joined a group before, and had a particular task to accomplish. It's very nice to be in a group that has members who are committed. 

In one of our courses CSC302, each group in the class was assigned a particular project. My group was to develop an Election Inquiry System.

We took it as a joke because we were having exams and the deadline for submission would be after the exams. The team did not have any meeting initially because everyone had to prepare for their next papers.

One funny Monday after our CSC305 exam, students were notified that submission and defense of the project would be tomorrow after our Last paper. As soon as I heard it, I was shocked at first and HBP (high blood pressure) set in. Started thinking how we would do the project before tomorrow, because we have not even started anything. Members had a fuzzy meeting rendering random ideas and reactions, after which we drew to a conclusion. The election inquiry system had to be developed overnight. Panicking was less though, but real work was done that night.

I ended up not reading for my last practical exam because of this project. My contribution was to handle the graphics of the system i.e User Interface. I was tired the next mourning. I had the practical exam and still hoping for the best from it. The program was tested by some members and people around, who then gave lots of suggestions and ideas. The Team members then agreed to finish it up and submit tomorrow. An hour later after everybody had dispersed, news went round that our group would score 0, if we do not defend that day.

Team members had to rush back to the department from wherever they were. We then deliberated, argued and finally did the last program test. It was time for defense, we entered and then started defending.
Our Lecturer asked us to register her in our Election Inquiry system with all her details. It was funny and hilarious. We then made an inquiry with reference to her VIN (Voters Identification Number), and Voila, all her details came out on the screen. Our lecturer was stunned at the amazing GUI, and asked questions on the project, and members answered correctly with detailed explanations. It went well and our team scored the highest mark overall.

Our team was made up of  4 girls and 11 guys.  Great intellects with exceptional features, meet them 
DotunMariamChibundu, KehindeElizabethAbisoyeArinze,
 PatrickMargaret, Joshua, BabsSeun, Tolu, Ben and Me

In conclusion, if you want to get the best outcome always involve many people. All these good outcomes because our group was big and tight, and lots of ideas from different people because

the Bigger, the Better